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BETTI Macchine - Packaging Machinery

Vertical cartoning machine for small and medium carton sizes.

Production speed up to 210 Cartons/1’

The flat cartons are placed on the blanks magazine and automatically conveyed to the forming up system. The cartons, once in the machine, undergo marking on the outside flap, glueing and closure of the bottom, before reaching the filling zone. The dosing of the product may be carried out with a telescopic cylinder volumetric system, with electronic weighers or special equipments specific for the product. The carton carries on to be glued and closed on the upper side. It is then transferred to the outfeed conveyor and finally any weight control. It is also complete with: - Regulation of production speed with electronic system. - Format change regulation. - Continual regulation of product weight or volume. - Automatism and checking of production and feeding. - Dust extraction devices, vibrator and specific devices ideal for the product. - Electronic device for controlling the glue application. - Integral accident prevention protection as required by law with CE mark.
  • Automatic dispenser of leaflets, small evelopes, coupons, etc.
  • Special loaders for plastic containers, bottles and glasses.
  • Weight control and Metal detector
  • Inkjet marker
  • Laser Marker

Velocità meccanica: 210/1’
Gamma astucci: min. 60x30x130H: max. 180x80x280H
Incollagio: Hot Melt